March 7

What Would you Like to Learn From Online Art Classes?


What Would you Like to Learn From Online Art Classes?

Art instruction is a strange thing! In some ways art can’t be taught. But learning happens nonetheless. The greatest art teachers of online art classes are the ones that allow the students to learn on their own under the guidance of the art instructor.  Then offering the students answers to difficult blocks by teaching art techniques during the creative process when it’s needed most.

I never wanted the structured learning format when I was an art student. I couldn’t wait to get into a “real” project and so I went straight for it. Today with art instruction videos this is the exact same way of learning art that I like most. So I’ve decided to launch my own art classes.

What You’ll Learn in this Post about Art Classes Online

In this post you will learn these three ways to learn to paint or draw from online art classes through painting videos and drawing videos.

The Pros and Cons of Learning from Online Art Classes

It’s Important to know the pros and cons to learning from art instruction videos. Each approach has its strengths and weaknesses. Also I want to bring attention to where student artists go wrong in their learning strategy.

Additionally, learning from an art school vs on your own is a great topic that I want to get into in future posts. I will tell you now that I am self taught and if I could go back and do it again I would the exact same. By self taught meaning I learned from video and book instruction experiencing art on my own path. 

Art Experience

A quick background about me is that I started creating art as a young kid. I always knew I wanted to create art. It’s just my nature. 20 years ago I started tattooing and painting professionally. Since then I opened an art gallery in 2015. In my art gallery it’s also a private, appointment only studio with 2 resident artists and one apprentice at the time of this writing.

I opened my in person art classes in 2015 when I opened my gallery. The first things I learned is that teaching art is both fun and challenging. It’s challenging because people are nervous, doubt themselves and get frustrated really easy. Sometimes that negative energy is directed toward the teacher.

Luckily for me I also teach yoga and meditation and my teaching style offers ways of getting past mental barriers and increasing creative space for the inner being. I love to see the growth in the art student happen in my class.

I work in a variety of mediums because I spent so much time exploring the many possible styles of art. 


Join the Artist’s Course: Creativity Inbox

At the end of this article I want to ask you to join the Artist’s Course: Creativity Inbox Newsletter that is art instruction videos emailed to you. If you join now you will get a free art course on increasing your creativity and get to know more about the online art classes I am offering. You might also get free access to one of my real time art demos. 

Online Art Classes with Art Demos, Step by Step Instructions and Art Exercises are the Best Way to Learn Art

1. Art Demos Give insight into an Artists Techniques, Philosophy, and Approach to Creating Art

Art demo videos are highly effective for teaching art. Even more than that in person. It’s because of the ability to pause and track back and watch the art demo videos in real time. You can’t do that in person. You can see the exact steps the artist took to create the artwork and that is the very best way to learn.

The downside to learning from instructional videos is the inability to ask the instructor questions. However, in my art class and art course platform, you can ask me questions and I will answer you directly. So don’t be afraid to use the comment section as a powerful resource. Also you may get answers from other students.

2. Follow Along Paintings and Drawings with Step by Step Instruction

Follow along paintings and drawings are great for absolute beginners because it frees the art student from thinking about composition or style and they just get to copy the art. That is a great way to start learning and you’ll be amazed at how fast you learn this way.

The downside to this approach is that if you rely on this too heavily then you will never learn to create your own art and all you will be able to do is copy. There is nothing wrong with that if you have no desire to go any further from there.

Some students feel that this method is heartless and it takes the creativity out of the equation. There is no wrong or right approach that fits everyone’s needs. I suggest trying a little bit of each of these approaches and see whats right for you.

3. Art Exercises that Challenge an Artist to Try New Techniques and Expand Ability

Usually art instructors start with art and color theory, and art exercises to increase the basic fundamentals of art. I am not saying this doesn’t have its place but its very technical and most art students loose interests so this way is last on the list.

Art exercises has their place but its not where I start with my art training. It is however, included by along the way. It becomes more useful to learn these basics during a real project. Then it is more relevant.


If you are excited to learn painting, drawing or even tattooing techniques then sign up for the free art course on increasing creativity with the Artist’s Course: Creativity Inbox and start your art journey with me.

Enter your email below to get started!

Let’s Chat! Comment Below

In the comments I want to hear from you in some of these areas;

  • What do you struggle with most?
  • What Medium do you want to learn most?
  • What Medium is the most frustrating?
  • Do you feel blocked creativity
  • Why have you put off learning to paint or draw?
  • Do you want to know more about the business of art?


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