April 10

Creative Direction Planner: A Strategic System for Unlimited Creativity.


Picture this: You’re sitting at your computer or blank canvas

ready to create...

but instead of getting with it you're met with disabling overwhelm, frustration and not knowing where to begin, feeling generally lost.

So you defer you creative project to tomorrow.  

Days turn into months, and the months stretch into years with little to nothing to show for your creative endeavors. This cycle isn't only disappointing—it's painfully familiar to many artists and creatives. 

It's the defeat of lost time and the heavy burden of unfulfilled potential that weighs on your shoulders.

You are not alone. Every single creator goes through it eventually. And every moment that passes without action widens the divide between where you are and where you want to be.

The Barriers That Stand in Your Way to Creative Productivity

On your path to create you will inevitably face these top level barriers that stand in between you and your successful output.

  • Creative block: Walls that box you in that seems to rise out of nowhere, leaving you stranded with a desire to create but devoid of the spark to ignite your imagination.
  • Lack of focus: In this age where distractions are but a click away, maintaining the concentration necessary to bring our ideas to life becomes a battle in its own right.
  • Procrastination: stealing your time and leaving your projects perpetually on tomorrow’s to-do list.
  • Inconsistent output: the unpredictable waves of productivity that ebb and flow, leaving us in a state of frustration over our erratic creative achievements

Each of these barriers contributes to an environment that isn’t conducive to creativity. It’s an unforgiving landscape that is keeping you our of reach with your ideas because you are struggling just to survive, creatively.

Wait! Who is this For? 

The Creative Direction Planner is perfect for a wide range of creative types and not limited to visual artists, painters and sculptors. It is useful for writers to dedicate their direction and maintain progress, and for freelancers such as web and graphic designers to manage their projects and deadlines effectively. 

Tattoo artists also benefit from using it to plan their designs and artwork or organize client consultations. 

I even have a chef and a therapist experimenting with it now. Many of create and experience the same challenges with creative barriers. 

This planner is designed to support creative people by providing direction, organization and structure for creative projects while maintaining room for freedom of expression. 

It is applicable across various artistic disciplines, serving as a tool for anyone engaged in creative work to enhance their productivity. Here are just a few of the creatives that benefit from the planner;

  • Visual Artists
  • Writers and Authors
  • Freelancers, including:
    • Web Designers
    • Graphic Designers
    • UI/UX Designers
  • Tattoo Artists
  • Musicians and Composers
  • Film and Video Producers
  • Architects and Interior Designers
  • Crafters and DIY Enthusiasts
  • Fashion Designers
  • Photographers
  • Content Creators and Bloggers
  • Marketing and Advertising Professionals
  • Game Designers and Developers
  • Creative Directors
  • Event Planners
  • Product Designers
  • Educators and Creative Teachers
  • Students in creative fields

What does the Creative Direction Planner Do for You?

The Creative Direction Planner is meant to help break through creativity block, lack of focus, procrastination and inconsistent output by retraining your creative habits with behavior modification. 

The Creative Direction Planner guides you in finding ways around these problems. 

If you’re feeling stuck, it helps you discover little embers of ideas to get the full creative burn going. 

When everything around you is competing for your attention, the planner helps you focus on what you really want and need to do most. 

If you tell yourself that you’ll do it “tomorrow,” this planner helps you break things down into small steps that you can start today. 

And when you can’t keep a steady pace in creating, it helps you keep track and find a rhythm that works for you.

The Art of Self Direction

With your Creative Direction Planner, your problems are transformed into self organized steps toward materializing your creative objectives. 

It's like having a torch in the night of creative wilderness, guiding you out of the darkness of inaction, into the light of making your ideas come to life. 

With proper creative direction It makes the sudden shift from idea to creation not only possible, but also realized.

A Deep Dive into the Top Level Problems that Creative Types Face

Creative Block: Understanding the Barrier

Creative block is when someone wants to create something but can't get started or keep going. It's like wanting to run but your feet won’t move almost like in sleep paralysis. 

This problem isn’t just for one specific type of creative person; it happens to everyone in all creative fields, sometimes called writer's block, artist's block, and so on. The main signs are not feeling motivated or inspired, or not being able to move forward with ideas.

Impact  of Creative Block on Productivity and Mental Health

Encountering a creative block doesn't just halt your projects because it traps you in a cycle of negative thoughts and self-doubt as well. The inability to progress with your work can deeply affect your sense of self-worth and identity as a creator. 

This frustration means unfinished projects but more important it's the profound sense of being disconnected from your passion and purpose. 

Over time, the continuous struggle without resolution can lead to significant stress, anxiety, and even depression, as the joy of creating is overshadowed by the dread of the creative block. 

This not only diminishes productivity but can also have a lasting impact on your mental well-being, making it crucial to find strategies to navigate through these challenging periods.

Personal Experience with Creative Block

I’ve hit this roadblock many times myself and I've blogged about it and mentioned it on my podcast. Over the years I have encountered creative block many times so  I decided to create this planner not only to help other people but myself as well.  

Despite having the same challenges as everyone else, I consider myself a productive artist because I’ve discovered systems and methods to grow as an artist and overcome these blocks and I’ve included every single one of them in the planner. 

The Creative Direction Planner is the result of over twenty years of working through my own creative block problem solving experiments and figuring out what helps with my work and others.

How The Planner Helps Overcome Creative Block

The Creative Direction Planner helps break down your creative block by giving you a strategic system to outline your Main Objective, The Big Three strategy and then break these strategies into 3 smaller, doable tasks called 3 x 3 action steps.

These methods helps you start small and gain momentum, making it easier to get past the block by having a clear direction with actionable steps and keep your creativity flowing.

Lack of Focus: The Biggest Problem

Modern Challenges to Maintaining Focus:

In today's world, numerous distractions compete for our attention. From endless notifications on our devices to the constant availability of entertainment, maintaining focus on creative projects has become increasingly difficult. This environment makes it challenging for creatives to channel their energies efficiently.

Impact of Lack of Focus:

When focus wanes, creative energy scatters. This dispersion not only hampers the achievement of specific goals but also affects the overall quality and consistency of creative output. Without focus, projects may take longer to complete, or they may never reach completion, leading to a cycle of frustration and diminished motivation.

How the Planner Helps with Lack of Focus:

The Creative Direction Planner addresses these challenges by introducing structured planning and tracking mechanisms.

  • Creative Direction Planning: It allows for setting clear, actionable goals, breaking down the overwhelming into manageable tasks. This clarity and organization make it easier to maintain focus on what's important.
  • Most Important Creative Process Tracking: By identifying and tracking the key processes critical to your creative success, the planner helps you allocate your time and attention more effectively, ensuring that you're focusing on high-impact activities.
  • Creative Time Tracking: This feature enables you to monitor how much time you're actually spending on creative endeavors versus being caught up in distractions. It's a reality check that encourages more disciplined work habits.
  • Creative Flow State and Quality of Work Tracking: The planner encourages you to note when you're in the flow state—those moments when creativity feels effortless—and what led to it, as well as tracking the quality of work produced. This awareness can help you create conditions that foster focus and high-quality creative output.

By incorporating these elements, the Creative Direction Planner serves as a powerful tool for overcoming the modern challenges of maintaining focus, directing your creative energy more effectively, and achieving your artistic goals.

Why Analog? The Advantages of a Physical Planner

In an age dominated by digital tools and technologies, the choice to use an analog, booklet-form weekly planner might seem counterintuitive. However, this decision is rooted in the unique benefits that physical planners offer, especially for creative work.

Distraction-Free Environment: Unlike apps or digital templates, a physical planner like the Creative Direction Planner provides a sanctuary free from the constant barrage of notifications and distractions that accompany digital devices. This undisturbed space is crucial for deep, focused creative work, allowing ideas to flow without interruption.

Tangible Engagement: Writing by hand in a planner engages the brain differently than typing on a keyboard. This tactile interaction fosters a stronger connection with your tasks and goals, making them feel more real and actionable. It’s a process that encourages reflection and mindfulness, qualities often lost in the speed of digital input.

Habit Formation: The act of repeatedly turning to a physical planner to jot down thoughts, track progress, and plan steps forward does more than just organize your day; it builds a habit. Each interaction strengthens synapses in the brain associated with planning and productivity, hardwiring the habit of regular planning and review into your daily routine. This consistent engagement is less likely with digital tools, where out of sight often means out of mind.

Un-improvability: There's a simple elegance and effectiveness in the written form that digital alternatives struggle to match. The layout of the Creative Direction Planner is designed to maximize clarity and ease of use, without the need for updates or fear of obsolescence. Its physical presence is a constant, reliable companion in your creative journey, not subject to battery life or software updates.

Choosing an analog planner in a digital world is a deliberate step towards reclaiming your creative process from the distractions and impermanence of digital tools. It offers a tangible, consistent method to not only plan and track your creative endeavors but also to build lasting, productive habits that enhance your overall creative output.

Procrastination: Always Tomorrow, Never Today 

Psychological Underpinnings:

Procrastination among creatives often stems from a mix of fear, perfectionism, and the overwhelming nature of large projects. The dread of not meeting high standards or the anxiety over the vast scope of a creative endeavor can lead to avoidance behaviors. It’s a protective mechanism, aiming to shield one from potential failure or criticism, yet it paradoxically hampers progress and growth.

Long-term Effects:

The habit of putting off work not only delays project completion but also has a profound impact on self-esteem. As deadlines slip by and goals remain unachieved, the narrative of self-doubt gains strength. This can create a vicious cycle, where the fear of failure leads to more procrastination, further affecting one’s confidence and self-worth.

How the Planner Helps:

The Creative Direction Planner tackles procrastination by making large, intimidating objectives feel more manageable. It encourages breaking down overarching goals into smaller, actionable steps. This approach shifts the focus from the daunting end goal to the immediate tasks at hand, making progress feel more attainable and less overwhelming.

  • Smaller Steps for Greater Momentum: By focusing on completing smaller tasks, you start building momentum. Each small achievement is a step forward, reducing the mental barrier posed by the larger project and gradually diminishing the urge to procrastinate.
  • Focus on the Next Action: Concentrating on "what's next" rather than the entire project helps maintain a clear, manageable path forward. This continuous movement keeps motivation high and procrastination at bay.
  • Celebrating Small Wins: Recognizing and celebrating each small accomplishment provides a sense of progress and achievement. This positive reinforcement strengthens motivation and combats the negativity and self-doubt that often accompany procrastination.
  • Weekly Due Dates: Work expands to fill the space of the time allotted. Simply setting weekly objectives with weekly due dates is enough to defeat procrastination. As a solo entrepreneur, you are you own creative director and project manager. If you don't set objectives with due date, no one else will.  

By transforming how creatives approach their work, the planner not only aids in overcoming procrastination but also helps rebuild confidence in one’s ability to complete projects and reach goals.

Inconsistent Output: Navigating the Highs and Lows

The Frustration of Fluctuating Productivity:

Inconsistent output is a common struggle in the creative journey, characterized by periods of high productivity followed by times of unproductive stagnation. This fluctuation can be a significant source of frustration, as it makes it difficult to predict how much can be accomplished and when.

Consequences of Inconsistency:

On a professional level, inconsistency can hinder the development of a reliable portfolio and affect one’s ability to meet deadlines, potentially impacting career opportunities and growth. Personally, the erratic nature of creative output can lead to dissatisfaction and self-doubt, affecting one’s sense of purpose and identity as a creator.

How the Creative Direction Planner Helps:

The Creative Direction Planner addresses these challenges by providing a structured framework for establishing a consistent creative practice.

  • Unbroken Daily Practice: It encourages daily engagement with your creative work, even if it's just a small task or activity. This builds a routine, making creativity a regular part of your day and smoothing out the peaks and valleys of productivity.
  • Getting Inspired with Creative Fire: The planner includes spaces for logging sources of inspiration and ideas, helping to spark creativity even on days when motivation is low. This ensures a steady flow of creative energy, fueling your work across all phases of the creative process.
  • Creative Process Tracking: By keeping track of your creative processes, you can identify patterns in your productivity and adjust your routines to maximize effectiveness. This insight allows for a more deliberate approach to work, enhancing both the quality and consistency of output.

Understanding the Creative Struggle

Emotional Response to Obstacles:

Facing obstacles like creative block, lack of focus, procrastination, and inconsistent output triggers a complex mix of emotions. Frustration creeps in as efforts seem to yield little to no progress. Doubt begins to cloud judgment, making every decision feel like a potential mistake. 

Anxiety looms over the dampened creative process, turning what should be a celebration of personal expression into a source of stress. 

These feelings are not just passing states of mind; they are significant barriers that affect not only the work at hand but also one's emotional well-being.

Finding Peace and Purpose

The emotional turmoil caused by these creative obstacles underscores the need for a solution. Not just any solution, but one that addresses the root of the problem, offering a way to navigate through the emotional landscape and reclaim control over the creative process.

The urgency isn't just about finishing a project; it's about finding peace and purpose in the work again.

Compounding Effects:

These challenges don't exist in isolation. One often leads to another, creating a domino effect that compounds the struggle.

For example, a lack of focus might lead to procrastination, which then results in inconsistent output, further feeding into the cycle of frustration and doubt.

This cycle can become a trap, locking creatives in a pattern of stagnation that stifles growth and progress.

Long-term Impacts:

The long-term effects of these obstacles can extend far beyond missed deadlines or unfinished projects. They can impact career trajectories, limiting opportunities and achievements. 

On a personal level, the continual struggle without solution can erode self-esteem and diminish the joy found in creative expression. This not only hampers personal development but can also affect a artist’s or “creative type’s” overall quality of life.

Addressing these challenges requires more than just willpower or a good idea. It demands a structured approach to break the cycle, providing not just temporary band-aid style solutions but a sustainable system to move forward. 

The Creative Direction Planner represents such an approach, offering a tangible solution to navigate through the turmoil and rediscover the joy and satisfaction of creative work.

creative direction planner

The Creative Direction Planner

Enter the creative direction planner. I have shared these with many friends that work in creative industries with great success. Learn more about the planner and how you can use it to accelerate your creative productivity. 

Introduction and Origin Story:

The Creative Direction Planner was born out of two decades of firsthand experience navigating the highs and lows of the creative process. As a professional artist facing the universal challenges of creative block, inconsistency, and all that comes with the creative territory, I sought a comprehensive tool that didn’t yet exist.

This planner is crafted not only as a response to these obstacles but as a proactive and strategic system designed to enhance creativity and productivity. Its evolution reflects a deep understanding of the creative journey, tailored to empower artists, writers, designers, and all creatives to reach their fullest potential.

Overview of Structure:

The planner is meticulously structured to address each critical pain point identified in the creative process. It serves as both a guide and a record, allowing users to plan their creative projects, track progress, and reflect on their journey. Its design encourages a holistic approach to creativity, combining goal setting, time management, and personal reflection in a singular, accessible format.

Feature Exploration:

  • Sacred Creative Space: Guides users in designing an environment that stimulates creativity, recognizing the importance of a physical space conducive to creative work.
  • Sacred Creative Experience: Encourages the establishment of rituals that help recharge creativity, acknowledging the spiritual and emotional facets of creative work.
  • Creative Fire: A dedicated section for users to identify and delve into their sources of inspiration, ensuring a reservoir of creativity to draw from.
  • Unbroken Creative Practice: Promotes a commitment to daily creativity for at least 30 minutes, building consistency and discipline in the creative practice.
  • Tactical Creativity: Equips users with strategies to tackle problems as they arise, fostering a mindset of resilience and adaptability.
  • Creative Process Tracker: Offers a way to observe and document daily creative habits, facilitating self-awareness and growth.
  • Creative Flow Tracker: Allows for the assimilation of observations into actionable insights, optimizing the creative process for flow and efficiency.
  • Creative Time Tracker: Helps allocate and monitor time spent on creative endeavors, ensuring that projects move forward and deadlines are met.
  • Mental Clarity: Provides a space for unloading backlog thoughts, clearing mental clutter to focus on the task at hand.
  • Embers: Captures fleeting ideas for future exploration, recognizing the value in every spark of creativity.
  • Infinite Feedback Loop: Encourages reflection on what worked, what didn’t, and adjustments for future efforts, promoting a cycle of continuous improvement.
Creative Project Planner
Creative Flow Tracker
Creative Process Tracking

The Creative Direction Planner offers a tangible solution to navigate through the challenges of creativity, providing a structured yet flexible framework to unleash potential, enhance productivity, and ultimately transform the creative experience

Embark on Your Creative Transformation

Now is an opportunity to take a decisive step toward redefining your creative journey. This is a catalyst for change, designed to guide you through the challenges and elevate your creative practice. Whether you're battling creative block, seeking consistency, or looking to refine your process, this planner is your blueprint for transformation.

Embrace the opportunity to reshape your creative experience. By integrating the planner into your daily routine, you’re committing to a future where ideas flow freely, projects reach completion, and creativity becomes not just an aspiration but a daily reality.

Get a Free Planner to Sample a Week of Ordered Creative Brilliance

As a special introduction to the transformative power of the Creative Direction Planner, I'm offering an exclusive deal just for you.

For a limited time you can get a free sample planner with shipping and handling. You can optionally upgrade your order to a bulk order or subscription as well. 

FREE Creative Direction Planner

upgrade options available

Or Click Here: Get Your FREE Creative Direction Planner + S&H

a deep understanding of overcoming creative barriers 

The Creative Direction Planner was born from a deep understanding of overcoming creative barriers and is crafted over decades of personal experience and refinement. It stands today as a comprehensive solution, ready to guide you through to creative success.


creative block, creative direction, creative director, lack of focus, procrastination

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